No. 2 Folding Pocket Brownie, model B

Type: Folding rollfim
Introduced: June 1907
Discontinued: Sept 1915
Film size: 120
Picture size: 2 1/4 X 3 1/4"
Manufactured: US
Lens: Meniscus archromat
Shutters: Pocket or Brownie automatic
Numbers made: 174,000
Original price: ?
Imitation leather covered wood body, size reduced 20%
compsred with the No. 2 Folding Brownie camera.
Reversible reflecting finder; metal lens panel;
sliding focusing with automatic lock; hinged back released
by concealed buttons.
Oct 1907: Iris diafram fitted to shutter
Feb 1911: Metal finder lens mount
From Aug 1911: Black bellows fitted instead of red
on cameras sent to UK
Jan 1913: all cameras fitted with black bellows and a
new long baseboard hinge.
Approximate worth: $45-70