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Target Brownie Six-20
Six-20 Target Brownie

Kodak Target Brownie Six-20 Camera

Type: Box rollfilm
Introduced: April 1941
Discontinued: 1946
Film size: 620
Picture size: 2 1/4 X 3 1/4"
Manufactured: United States
Lens: Meniscus
Shutter: Rotary
Numbers made: ?
Original price: $2.75

The Target Brownie Six-20 is a metal box type camera with 2 brilliant view finders and either a black front(Target Brownie Six-20) or an art-deco design on front panel(Six-20 Target Brownie*see below). It featured a sliding f/stop tab for a choice of around f/11 or f/16 and a "B" setting tab for time exposures. This camera evolved into the very popular Brownie Target Six-20.

Fun Facts:
"Target" cameras were primarily made and sold in North America. The name "Target" was used for quite a few different cameras including Hawk-Eye cameras as well for Brownie cameras.
*Sometimes Kodak made camera model names confusing from one model to another by using almost identical names, sometimes with a word order change. This is well illustrated with Target cameras. Look at the image above and though the cameras look different, the name on the cameras are the same, "Target Brownie Six-20". However, the box that the camera on the right came in has the name as, "Six-20 Target Brownie". These two different cameras seem to have been made at exactly the same time and when both were discontinued, the "Brownie Target Six-20" was born. Confused? So am I!
If you find one of these in working order, grab it. Because of the 620 film size, which is easily respoolable, this camera can be used today with excellent results.

Click here to download a free copy of the manual for this camera.

This video is actually for the Brownie Target Six-20 but these cameras are so similar, I've left it here for information.

BCG Film and Photography

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