Brownie Cresta II
Type: Solid Body Eyelevel Rollfilm
Introduced: 1956 (export only until July 1958)
Discontinued: 1959
Film size: 120
Picture size: 2 1/4" X 2 1/4"
Manufactured: UK
Lens: Kodet f/11 Fixed Focus With Closeup Lens and Yellow Filter
Shutter: Single Speed 1/40 Second
Numbers Made: ?
Original price: ?
The Brownie Cresta II has a black moulded plastic body with cross-hatched
ribbing, screw and pin flash contacts, with other features similar to the first model like an optical direct vision finder.
Fun Facts:
This simple Brownie camera uses 120 film for a large 6cm X 6cm negative image and can achieve impressive closeups with the built-in closeup lens, just like the first Cresta model. However it is susceptible to camera shake because of it's slow shutter speed, so a steady hand is needed. The aperture was also changed from f/14 to f/11 for a decrease in depth of field. This popular UK-made camera was preceeded by the Cresta and followed by the Cresta 3 cameras.